Lua premiered her first musical ACTITUD FEMENINA in Chile (2016), as an actress and director, along with her daughter and five Chilean actresses/singers. The Play was inspired by her book and has the uniqueness of uniting all the performing arts, (acting, singing and dancing), with poetry. With this Play, she wants to inspire other women to find their own voices and plans on taking the show to many parts of the planet. She also participated in different Children’s TV productions as a performer and VO actor.
Lua estrenó en él 2016 su primera obra de teatro musical titulada ACTITUD FEMENINA junto a cinco artistas chilenas y su hija. La obra fue inspirada en su libro y tiene la particularidad de unir la actuación, el baile, el canto y la poesía, con el objetivo de incentivar particularmente a las mujeres a encontrar su voz. Lua sueña con llevar este musical a diversos lugares del planeta. Ella también ha participado en diversas producciones infantiles como animadora y actriz de doblajes.
Lua estreou em 2016 sua primeira obra de teatro musical chamada ATITUDE FEMININA junto a cinco artistas chilenas e sua filha. A obra foi inspirada no seu livro e tem a particularidade de unir teatro, dança, canto e poesia, com o objetivo de incentivar particularmente as mulheres a encontrar suas vozes. Lua sonha com levar este musical a diversos lugares do planeta. Ela também tem participado em diversas produções infantis como animadora y atriz de dublagens.
At the end of 2022, she launched her own kids show on YouTube, called: “Playbug” where she intends to
teach preschoolers English, Spanish & Portuguese through music, stories and fun.

Lua has also been part of many other children’s productions in South America, such as being one of the lead female voices for the YouTube Channel “El Reino Infantil”
in three of its versions/languages, (“O Reino Infantil” & “The Children’s Kingdom”.)